The Human View Blog


An Apple A Day Keeps Good Health In Play

July 11, 20245 min read

Apple's success in selling iPhones can be attributed (at least in part) to its deep understanding of psychographics, which involves analyzing consumer lifestyles, values, and aspirations. By leveraging psychographics, Apple tailors its marketing strategies to resonate deeply with various consumer segments, ultimately driving sales and fostering brand loyalty.


Understanding Apple’s psychographic approach
Apple’s strategy for selling iPhones can be distilled into several key psychographic insights:

  • Status Symbol: iPhones are often seen as a status symbol, appealing to those who value prestige and luxury.

  • Innovation Enthusiasts: Apple targets tech-savvy individuals who seek the latest in innovation and technology.

  • Seamless Integration: The iPhone’s ability to integrate with other Apple products attracts consumers who value a cohesive digital ecosystem.

  • Personalization: With customizable features and accessories, iPhones cater to individuals who value personalization.

  • Community and Belonging: Apple creates a sense of community and belonging through its branding and customer service, which appeals to consumers seeking connection.


Applying psychographics in employee broad well-being and targeted condition communications
Just as Apple uses psychographics to enhance iPhone sales, consultants and health management specialists can use similar techniques to better communicate how well-being and health management programs can enhance employees' health and wellness.

Here’s how the 5 psychographic segments in our BenefitPersonas™ model can be applied for health, well-being and point solution programs:

  • Self Achievers: “I take charge of things so I can reach my goals; I value my health and will invest time and money to improve it.”

  • Strategic Approach: Highlight how the program will buttress their health and help them reach their personal goals. Emphasize how programs like diabetes management and fitness challenges help them take charge of their needs and meet their challenges.

  • Motivational Enhancement: Explain how participating in the programs can help them stay on track with both high tech and high touch support to reinforce their proactive and goal-oriented nature.

  • Balance Seekers: “Give me all the information & the pros + cons of each option so I can choose what I want; don't tell me what to do.”

  • Strategic Approach: Provide detailed, transparent information about all the available tools, resources, research, courses, tips, etc. including mental health support, nutrition plans, and fitness tracking and clinical tracking. Present the benefits but also the challenges of sticking with the plans to assist them in charting their own course, without feeling pressured.

  • Motivational Enhancement: Highlight that the benefits from these programs offer them the freedom to choose how to manage their health, aligning with their desire for autonomy and comprehensive information.

  • Priority Jugglers: “I am determined to be there for my family and my colleagues - and I'm very busy, so respect my time.”

  • Strategic Approach: Emphasize how your program is designed to save time, and fit conveniently into their schedule. Highlight how telehealth components provide quick, hassle-free and personalized access to health resources and support.

  • Motivational Enhancement: Stress that participating confers immediate, as well as compounding, longer-term health benefits, ensuring that they will be there fully to support their family - and those who count on them - including professional commitments, without added stress.

  • Direction Takers: “I need a trustworthy expert to recommend what's best for me based on their understanding of my needs.”

  • Strategic Approach: Position how your program has been designed by experts and provides direct guidance tailored to their needs. Stress the reliability of personalized health coaching and comprehensive health assessments, ensuring they feel confident in the recommendations provided by trusted advisors.

  • Motivational Enhancement: Assure them that the program is designed to align with their daily routines and won't disrupt them meeting their commitments, further supporting their peace of mind.

  • Willful Endurers: “I live for today; I deserve convenience and ease, and no matter what life throws my way, I can handle it.”

  • Strategic Approach: Focus on how using the program is easy and convenient - and that each aspect of the plans is designed to make today a better day for them. Highlight how your program components provide straightforward, no-fuss solutions to potential - or ctual - health issues, appealing to their desire for simplicity and resilience.

  • Motivational Enhancement: Emphasize that your program offers a convenient way to handle health needs, one step at a time, allowing them to maintain their lifestyle and put challenges behind them, easily and quickly.

what's in it for me-you

Bridging psychographics, well-being, and condition management programs
By understanding these psychographic profiles, health management specialists can craft tailored messages that resonate with different employee segments. This approach not only improves communication but also boosts employee engagement and satisfaction with your offerings. Here are some additional strategies to consider:

  • Personalized Communication: Use data analytics to send personalized messages that align with each employee’s psychographic profile.

  • Educational Videos and Courses: Offer the same content but formatted (and promoted) as being "in-depth" (which will appeal to the Balance Seekers' need for comprehensive information), or "quick tips," say, in bullet-point summary format (which is better for the shorter attention spans of Priority Jugglers and Willful Endurers).

  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Share success stories from employees who have benefited from wellness programs - and presented in each segment type's "voice." Such social proof is particularly compelling for Direction Takers and Willful Endurers.

The last word
By leveraging psychographics, consultants and health management specialists can work together to ensure that their communications are not only educational but also motivational, a marketing strategy much like Apple's approach to marketing the iPhone. This method ultimately leads to a more engaged, informed, and satisfied workforce.

~ Mark Head
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Mark Head


With 4 decades of combined experience in employee benefits consulting, wellness and health management, Head brings a unique combination of dynamic perspectives into a clear vision of where the future of health care is moving - and it's moving towards deeper human connection, awareness, and engagement...

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