The Human View Blog

An Apple A Day Keeps Good Health In Play

Apple's success in selling iPhones can be attributed (at least in part) to its deep understanding of psychographics, which involves analyzing consumer lifestyles, values, and aspirations. ...more

[Employers] ,[Benefits Enrollment] [Point Solutions] [Well-Being & Clinical Mgmt] &[Activate & Engage]

July 11, 20245 min read

An Apple A Day Keeps Good Health In Play

The Power of Knowing Your Employees' Values

Consumer segmentation has long been used in retail, fashion, online shopping, packaged goods, email marketing, and other internet-era commerce models. But it’s still relatively new in benefits and hea... ...more

[Consultants & Brokers] ,[Activate & Engage] &[Voluntary Benefits]

February 08, 20243 min read

The Power of Knowing Your Employees' Values

Sustainable Benefit Innovations for 2024

Just a quick scan of recent articles and blogs about what we can expect in the wild world of benefits makes it clear that economic pressures, rapidly advancing technology, and the accelerating diversi... ...more

[Employers] ,[Consultants & Brokers] [Benefits Enrollment] [Point Solutions] [Well-Being & Clinical Mgmt] [Activate & Engage] &[Voluntary Benefits]

January 25, 20243 min read

Sustainable Benefit Innovations for 2024

US Healthcare - The Worst System Money Can Buy?

Is the US healthcare system "the worst system money can buy?" The Intellectualist says "yes." Despite our advanced technology and exemplary facilities, doctors, nurses and staff, it's not news that w... ...more

[Employers] ,[Consultants & Brokers] [Benefits Enrollment] [Point Solutions] [Well-Being & Clinical Mgmt] [Activate & Engage] &[Voluntary Benefits]

November 30, 20234 min read

US Healthcare - The Worst System Money Can Buy?

Education? Meh.  Motivation? De Rigueur!

Of course employees need to understand their benefits. But more importantly, they need to use them. To move from "I get it" to "Wow! I want that!" isn't the shortest distance between two points. It's... ...more

[The Human View] ,[Employers] [Consultants & Brokers] [Benefits Enrollment] [Well-Being & Clinical Mgmt] &[Activate & Engage]

November 14, 20234 min read

Education? Meh.  Motivation? De Rigueur!

A Trifecta for Health Transformation

When it comes to clinical compliance, adapting and synthesizing the Patient Activation Measure, the Trans-Theoretical Model and the Health Belief Model - particularly within workplace environments - c... ...more

[Point Solutions] ,[Well-Being & Clinical Mgmt] &[Activate & Engage]

November 07, 20236 min read

A Trifecta for Health Transformation
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Mark Head


With 4 decades of combined experience in employee benefits consulting, wellness and health management, Head brings a unique combination of dynamic perspectives into a clear vision of where the future of health care is moving - and it's moving towards deeper human connection, awareness, and engagement...

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