It's getting clearer and clearer that using AI-enhanced employee engagement copy will help all of us improve well-being program enrollment results and garner improved employee satisfaction.
So we've developed a 3-Tier well-being and health management marketing campaign process to boost the number of employees who enroll in wellness and point solution programs, as well as the number of employees who actually log in to online portals to remain engaged in the programs, utilize the tools and resources, schedule and attend appointments with coaches and clinicians, etc.
Tier 1 - AI PromptProfessor™ - improve response rates to any given message by enhancing with AI
Tier 2 - BenefitPersonas™ Lite - improve response rates to any given message even more by adding in persona-based insights
Tier 3 - BenefitPersonas™ Premium - maximize response rates by sending five different, "segmentized" versions of your messages to each of the five benefitpersonas™
As we all know, it's not uncommon for the employer HR and benefits team to want "overcommunicate" - even though we all see the sub-optimal open and click-through rates. Optimizing the subject lines, preview text and email format and length become even more important when we get to Premium tier. For instance, Priority Jugglers and Willful Endurers (typically about half the population) simply don't want - and won't fully engage with - text-heavy, long, narrative emails.
So, below is a simple side-by-side comparison of a typical initial email sent to employees inviting the to enroll in the hypothetical "Let's Get Healthy!" program.
In the first column is the "standardized" email copy that I wrote, and in the 2nd column is the AI PromptProfessor™ version.
With some modest pride, I think that my own email is "pretty good," but with the BenefitPersonas™ AI PromptProfessor™ version, you'll notice a number of language enhancements that make it even "better."
More than just educating employees, AI PromptProfessor™ rewrites emails and text messages to enhance comprehension, while motivating more employees to respond to the Calls-To-Action (CTAs). AI PromptProfessor™ projects are available under a pay once, use forever model. But for a limited time, a try-before-you-buy offer is available for FREE.
~ Mark Head
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With 4 decades of combined experience in employee benefits consulting, wellness and health management, Head brings a unique combination of dynamic perspectives into a clear vision of where the future of health care is moving - and it's moving towards deeper human connection, awareness, and engagement...
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